El motiu d’aquest missatge és fer-vos arribar la informació (amb l’enllaç d’inscripció) d’una activitat informativa / formativa sobre la mobilitat doctoral en el marc del programa ERASMUS. Una de les línies d’acció prioritàries de l’àrea d’internacional de l’Escola de Doctorat UB és la promoció de les noves formes de mobilitat doctoral del programa ERASMUS que, enguany, estem implantant a la UB pel següent septenni de finançament.
El disseny i contingut d’aquesta activitat ha estat possible gràcies a la col·laboració de la UB amb la European University Foundation, forma part d’un Knowledge Exchange Community, organitzant conjuntament sota el paraigües de l’UB-EUF HUB, i està pensada, tant, com a càpsula formativa per a recercadors/es en formació, com per a directors/es i tutor/es dels programes de doctorat.
We are pleased to invite you to join the fifth Knowledge Exchange Community session on Implementing doctoral mobility, which will take place on March 31st from 10.00 to 12.00 CET.
The goal of the session is to explore opportunities for doctoral mobility and share practices on how they can meet the learning and training needs of PhD candidates. The event will include presentations from representatives of the European Commission (DG EAC), University of Lorraine, and University of Zurich. It will be followed by a panel discussion involving the speakers and a representative from EURODOC on “Institutional, supervision-related and PhD project-related challenges to the implementation of PhD mobility and how to overcome them”.
Please find the updated agenda below.
10.00-10.05 |
Welcome Aurèlia Mañé-Estrada (University of Barcelona) |
10.05-10.20 |
PhD Mobility at the University of Zurich - Balancing Opportunities and Priorities Eric Alms (University of Zürich) |
10.20-10.35 |
Doctoral mobility and Erasmus+ 2014-2020: obstacles and recommendations Donato Lorubio (University of Lorraine) |
10.35-10.50 |
Doctoral mobility and Erasmus+ 2021-2027 Johannes Gehringer (European Commission - DG EAC) |
10.50-11.15 |
Discussion in breakout rooms |
11.15-12.00 |
Panel discussion: Institutional, supervision-related and PhD project-related challenges to the implementation of PhD mobility and how to overcome them Moderated by Aurèlia Mañé-Estrada (University of Barcelona) |
Registration is open to administrative staff, academics and PhD candidates. We therefore also invite you to share the details of the event across faculty members and doctoral schools.