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Conferencia “Centering the Margins: perspectives on stigma, discrimination and epistemic injustice” por Dra. A. P. Schippers

En el marco de las actividades formativas organizadas por las comisiones académicas de los programas de posgrado MIPE y DIPE, la Dra. Alice P. Schippers, Professor of Disability Studies, Care Ethics, University of Humanistic Studies de Utrecht (The Netherlands) impartirá la conferencia titulada:

Centering the Margins: perspectives on stigma, discrimination and epistemic injustice

Fecha: 26 octubre de 2023
Hora: 16:00h
Lugar: Sala de graus de la Tamarita. Universitat Ramon Llull

Inscripción: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf8MToTWe-5sd7BozhKqM7jMqKG-YaZPupQzJGy-jRePfidVw/viewform?usp=sf_link

La conferencia será impartida en inglés.

Much of the equity, diversity and inclusion debate has focused upon practices and provision for marginalized people, such as people with disabilities. Yet it is evident that the population of persons and in some cases whole communities who have been denied access to appropriate facilities, such as education and employment, is much wider and more complex. The relationships that exist between poverty, class, gender and exclusion from adequate services are evident in many countries, and each of these factors interacts with others to perpetuate stigma, discrimination and exclusion.

In this interactive seminar we will focus on forms of discrimination and exclusion, based on stigma and consequently low expectations. This in turn leads to what is called epistemic injustice, which refers to situations where people are not given the recognition they deserve because they are not valued in their capacity as subjects of knowledge and epistemic agents.

Drawing on experiences of people who have themselves been the subjects of marginalization, we will emphasise the oft heard mantra of “nothing about us without us” as an important consideration for policy makers, researchers and professionals who express a commitment to producing more equitable and inclusive policies and practices.

Para cualquier duda, los interesados pueden comunicarse a lauradv3@blanquerna.url.edu